Phrase for 2016

Good morning, friends! Happy New Year!

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In the midst of things as mundane as laundry and dishes and lukewarm tea, I am finding much joy in being able to sit down each day and reflect on the daily readings and participate in the Blessed is She 31 days of prayer pledge. I love it when Jesus speaks to my heart and allows me to remain connected to him in my hurt and in my joy. I have made it a goal in 2016 to spend time with the daily readings and the Blessed is She reflections, because the women who write just speak so powerfully to my heart.

I love how he has been speaking to me so far this year. In just these 4 short days, my eyes have been opened to so much of His goodness. God strives for us. He wants us to stay connected to Him through constant prayer during the little tasks he gives us each day, like planning the upcoming Life Teen semester or reading a book on marriage while driving to Cincinnati to see friends. I even prayed by Divine Mercy Chaplet for the Cleveland Browns yesterday on my way home from Church (Lord, help us!) God wants to meet us exactly where we are at and touch our hearts in those moments.

I have a hard time with thinking ahead, planning one million + one events, and completely missing the present moment. That’s why I believe God has been speaking to me words of pause. He has been putting the Blessed Mother on my heart and asking me to be more like her and less like Martha. I am a constant work in process on that one.

I have seen many bloggers choosing words for 2016. I decided to follow suit and take this to prayer with our Lord. I have spent a few weeks praying about “my word,” and decided I could not just use one. I opted for a phrase instead.

My phrase for 2016 is…

holy mindfulness

Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment. It is the radical acceptance of each moment as it is, remembering that it is the only moment we have for certain. It allows us to calmly acknowledge our feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. This year, I desire to use mindfulness to grow in holiness. Personal holiness is a work of gradual development. I want to be mindful of how I can use each moment to grow in holiness to best serve myself, my husband, the world, and of course my Savior.  I hope to take more moments to pause, read scripture, and just be held by our Lord. This year, I hope to be held by the arms of grace and not to any standard of perfection. I hope to simply be present each moment to strive for holiness.

What is your word or phrase for 2016?

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9 thoughts on “Phrase for 2016

  1. gradybird says:

    I love this idea! And what a beautiful phrase – I might just have to create a phrase for me this year too! Especially since I’m in a season of a lot of big (and wonderful!) change being a newlywed and new stepmom. 🙂 Thank you for sharing!


    • lovethebachers says:

      I am a brand newlywed, too! I saw that you were married in September. Us too! What a blessing married life is. Such a season of change and goodness. Congratulations to you!


    • lovethebachers says:

      Thank you! I’m super humbled you commented on my blog, because I love reading yours! Especially as a newlywed- it’s so, so good and straight to my heart.


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