Currently Linkup // December

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2015 has been such a wonderful year. Getting married to my best friend was absolutely the highlight and my second year as a youth minister has been pretty amazing, too. Like most of you, I just cannot believe how time is absolutely flying. How is it December already? I just love this time of year, especially all of the purple Advent decorations around the church and seeing the twinkling lights on the houses. Everything is just so beautiful.

Today I am linking up once again with Anne and Jenna for their monthly “Currently” link-up to share what I am currently wishing, remembering, wrapping, baking, and decorating. This is such a fun dynamic linkup. I encourage you to join in!   



Wishing: each of you the very best of this Advent season! I am also wishing to create some life-giving traditions with my new husband. We are trying to discern where to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas and how to find balance newlywed life and our family traditions. Any tips for your girl here? I’m ready and willing to learn. It’s tricky, because I just do not want to let either of our families down.

Remembering: Jean Donovan, Sr. Dorothy Kazel, Sr. Maura Clarke, and Sr. Ita Ford. 35 yeras ago today they were murdered by the Salvadoran military for their work and dedication to the poor. These women spent their lives working in solidarity with the children and families who had fallen victim to the escalating violence in El Salvador, which eventually brought about the civil war. The lives of these missionaries remind us that Christ places a mission – something that energizes us – on each of our hearts and it is our responsibility to say yes to that call, to follow Christ, and to take up the cross of our neighbors who are hurting. May we each find that call deep within our hearts so that we may honor the lives of these martyrs.

“I hope you find that which gives life a deep meaning for you. Something worth living for – something worth dying for – something that energizes you, enthuses you, enables you to keep moving ahead. I can’t tell you what it might be – that’s for you to find, to choose, to love. I can just encourage you to start looking and support you in the search.” Ita Ford, HM

Wrapping: a sweet, special present for my husband. I picked it up yesterday at a small business in Ohio City and I am just over the moon excited about giving it to him on Christmas Eve.

Baking: Nothing quite yet, but we have our staff Christmas party on December 22nd and each of us has been asked to bring a small dessert to share. If anyone has any ideas or great Pinterest links, I am all ears!

Decorating: our sweet, humble apartment in all red, white and gold. I just love how these colors look together. I originally just wanted white and gold, but Steven asked for a pop of color – so red it was. Our living room is pretty quaint, so there are only a few places to decorate which makes life a wee bit simpler, but also harder because I want to buy all the decorations. I adore how it looks thus far… and I REALLY love Home Goods. I have found so many wonderful treasures there, like our pretty gold tree skirt. I’m in love!

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9 thoughts on “Currently Linkup // December

  1. Melanie @ LSW says:

    Yay, for Red, White and gold decorating! Wishing you a happy Advent season as well. It can be difficult the first few years, trying to figure out that routine. Do both of your families live close? We have formed a tradition that has us up early Christmas morning to do stockings, just the two of us, before we leave the house. We look for meaningful, small, heartfelt gifts that can be tucked in stockings and then we go through them one at a time, enjoy a cup of coffee and making sure we have at least 30+ minutes just us two before we head elsewhere. We also stay in matching pajamas (just pants match) all day as a way to stay cozy and connected! Then it’s off to my parents. Luckily, with his side of the family all having grown kids and no littles yet, we decided a few years ago to do that Christmas a few days before the actual day and we do secret santa. Makes it a lot of fun while also still saving on gifts and allowing us more freedom during the day to spend elsewhere or at home! Good luck! You will find the traditions and balance that works for you and it will be wonderful!


    • lovethebachers says:

      I love, love how you spend 30 minutes together sharing stockings! What types of gifts do your purchase for each other for stockings? That is just so sweet. His family is 40 minutes away and mine is 20, so we are very blessed to have them close by! It is tricky, because both have traditions on Christmas Eve that we love – so we are trying to figure out which to chose. Thank you for your kind words!


    • lovethebachers says:

      I love Advent, too! I sometimes think I’m biased, because purple is my favorite color LOL. But really… I just love everything about this time of year and celebrating the birth of our Lord!


  2. Alexis @ Chemistry Cachet says:

    Congrats on your marriage this year! We have been married almost 9 years now, but those first years in our little apartment were always the sweetest 🙂 I have all red and gold colors for our Christmas decor, I agree they are such beautiful colors! Merry Christmas!!!


  3. Anne says:

    Love that color scheme for Christmas decorating – and Home Goods finds too! Navigating the family/inlaws time at the holidays can sometimes feel like quite a juggling act, so carving out some time to make our own traditions with just the 2 of us was helpful early on in marriage. That and doing the every-other-year thing where necessary 🙂 Good luck, and enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Melanie says:

    Red, white and gold sounds absolutely gorgeous. I’m a lover of Home Goods as well, unfortunately the closest one to me is about an hour and a half away. We do have a TJ Maxx though, and it’s almost just as good.


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